I want to write a bit about the last bit of my pregnancy, labor and Sienna's birth. I will leave out a lot of details, but do want a written record while its still fresh in my mind. This will be in parts as I don't have much time to write in any one sitting...
Overall the pregnancy was great, just some very common issues. Nausea and morning (or day) sickness and just pure exhaustion in the 1st trimester. It didn't help that it was harvest in the wine industry! This is what our pregnancy was planned around- couldn't really have a baby any time around fall/early winter! Good thing a spring baby worked out :) So harvest was late Aug through late October, I worked 7 days a week for 2 1/2 months! The peak of harvest was once I got to the heavenly 2nd trimester, so it really wasn't all that bad! I got through my first harvest, and it was the lightest one in 8 years... 3rd trimester came with the normal problems: the tiredness returned, and mostly just being uncomfortable and hard time sleeping... I stopped working at 37 weeks which was great! Had time to finish organizing and fulfilling "nesting mode." Then I just wanted her to be born! Everyday it was "please be baby day!! "
For 2 weeks I was going to the doctor twice a week because my blood pressure had been creeping up... I was monitored in the hospital at 37 weeks and checked out healthy (no other concerns). We already knew she was a big baby, the ultrasound at 36 weeks showed she was 7 lbs 12 oz (they can be a pound or so off). So we were aware of the increased chance of a c-section depending on how labor progressed. And I was ordered to be a "couch potato" so couldn't walk which I so wanted to do! I was getting so bored and ancy!
Our labor story starts Sunday March 22, right at 39 weeks. I woke up at 3 am with contractions. I had been having contractions for weeks, but these seemed different. They were pretty regular for a couple hours, then slowed down and I was able to sleep. They continued to be inconsistent for hours, and then started getting stronger. I was impatient and just wanted to get checked, especially with my blood pressure issues. So we went to the hospital at 3 pm, I was able to walk in which was a sign to them I was probably not in labor. I got checked, and was only a fingertip dilated and the contractions were irregular. The nurse said it was probably just irritability and we could go home. I asked how we would know when it was real labor, she said when she was pregnant her doctor told her "If you are crossing the street and you are standing in the middle of the intersection with a car driving towards you, if you are able to move and run out of the way, you are not in labor!" Oh now that doesn't sound scary! And now I understand what that means!
Time for Sienna's lunch... to be continued later.
Picture is the last of my prego pics! Taken 3 days before Sienna was born.