I haven't written in awhile, been a bit out of commission... It's been a rough couple weeks! It started a couple weeks ago with me getting a nasty stomach flu, lots of throwing up and nausea, but since its harvest, I had to be at work! Luckily I left early a couple days, but the nausea continued for a few days... awful!
Then last week I started having intense pain in my tailbone region, I didn't do anything to injure it, but thought it could be from sitting a lot on wood stools over labor day weekend? It was strange but very intense pain! I couldn't sit down, lie down, everything hurt! The first trip to urgent care fri night, the dr just assumed it was a bruised tailbone, gave me vicodin and aleve, told me to ice it and try and rest... its a long healing process. The pain got worse and worse, even while taking a lot of vicodin... I went back to urgent care Sunday and then found out its a cyst. So its just about the worse place ever for something like this (and embarassing!) And I have been working through this all, yes being hopped up on prescription pain meds and sitting on my inflatable donut! No room for shame here! So the dr put me on strong antibiotics and darvocet (vicodin=nausea)... I am feeling much better today, didn't have to take any prescription pain meds. I have an appointment next week with a surgeon, I hope it doesn't require surgery but I also don't want it to keep coming back!
The worst part of all of this is I can't breastfeed while taking these antibiotics (10 days!). I wanted to cry hearing this! I honestly was going to try introducing formula this week, but just one bottle a day since its been hard to pump at work being so busy and tough to keep up the supply (and stressful!) I figured I could nurse in the mornings and nights, and pump once at work... But to have to quit cold turkey is so tough! I have a few servings of breastmilk frozen, but not much... Sienna has taken to formula very well which makes it a tiny bit easier. But its really really hard and emotional. Nursing was such a part of our daily routine together, something just us two could share in... the first thing we did in the morning, when I got home and before she went to bed. I looked forward to weekends (pre-harvest) when I could nurse her all day... I just wasn't ready to stop yet... I am grateful we did have 5 1/2 months of exclusive breastmilk, and that it was easy for us both... I am trying to keep up some pumping over these 10 days and we will see if we can get back to nursing then...
So trying times in the Molina household. Russell has been so great and helpful, considering I couldn't move for a few days and was also drugged out of my mind! Sienna had some fussy moments (teething) so he had 2 crying babies to deal with...
On a happier note, we had a fabulous Labor Day weekend! Aunt Sara and Uncle Mark came up, as well as Kiwi and Kristy. We borrowed Uncle Tommy's trailer and headed out to the Brown's ranch Sat afternoon. I worked Sat and Sun but just a few hours and was able to take Monday off! The weekend was lots of fun, the boys enjoyed the annual dove hunt... and we had fun visiting and just kicking back... Sienna had fun with her buddy/boyfriend Eric who is 4 months older...
Onto Sienna news... She is working on her 2nd tooth! It hasn't quite popped through her gums, but you can see it! And her first one is clearly visible now...
She now sits up unsupported for a good amount of time! She also does a full army crawl forward a couple feet or so, and Daddy has seen her get up on all fours and move backward! She usually scoots around by raising her butt high in the air (downward dog) then pushes forward off of her feet (but her head is still on the ground)... that or rolling over gets her where she wants to be...
She has been loving all kinds of foods... Oatmeal, green beans, sweet potatoes, avocado and most recently acorn squash from lolly's garden! She is also attempting to learn how to use a sippy cup, but she mostly chews on it or bangs it on her high chair.
She is SO interested in everything around her... reaches out to grab anything she can! Operation baby proof will soon be carried out. And she is just so fun to interact with, she loves talking, reading stories, singing, and is generally such a happy baby! We are so blessed!
Harvest is pretty much in full swing, but have a ways to go till the peak and quite a way till the end. Won't have a day off until November! And this is going to be a big year, much bigger than last year. Grapes, grapes, and more grapes!
Ok I haven't uploaded any pictures, or really taken many lately... I will quit the slacking and post some soon. She is getting just cuter by the day and growing so much!