The most exciting news is sleep! For the last week and a half she has slept a solid 10-12 hours straight! She still goes to bed by 7:30 and 8:30 and now doesn't wake up until 6-7 or sometimes 8 am! Then she takes a good nap affter her morning feeding. I feel so lucky she is such a good sleeper at a young age. We will sometimes hear her in her crib making noises or moving around, but she puts herself back to sleep or just plays on her own. She figured out how to suck her thumb last week, helps soothe herself. Yesterday morning after eating at 6, she slept till 8 and then we heard her wake up, but she just entertained herself and napped until 9:45! Go Sienna go!
She also has become quite the mover. A couple of days ago, when I woke up to get her she had turned around completely 180 in her crib. She will hold herself upright standing just holding onto Russell's thumbs. Also she actually enjoys being on her tummy now, will lift up onto her elbows and raise her legs up off the ground. Her favorite thing is laying on her back. She kicks her legs and flails her arms. She is very close to rolling all the way over (just her arm gets in the way). She will bring her knees and legs up then throw herslf on her side. She also likes to push off of her feet and bring her torso off the ground. So she now spends a good chunk of the day on a blanket on the floor scooting and wiggling around. Its so fun to watch!
She also has recently found her hands, loves chewing and sucking on them. And with this comes lots of drool! She is starting to grasp things, and has the motion of bringing things to her mouth, just not completely coordinated yet. She also can clasp her hands together. And she just saw her feet and was so interested!
We had a great last weekend with Russell's cousin Jeffrey's High School Graduation party on Friday night. It was at Russell's parents house, and didn't start till Sienna's bedtime so we put her down in a pack and play in the guest room. His brother David (Tio) stayed in there as she played and talked to him. Then she slept soundly even through getting her in her carseat, home and in her crib. It was great seeing family and to be out past 8 pm!
Saturday was the annual Buckles and Spurs benefit dinner at Santa Margarita Ranch (inside a gorgeous historic barn). Our good friend Tracey was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at 30 years old. She is such an inspiration! This was the 3rd year she has put on the benefit and it was as always quite a success! We brought Sienna and she did great, even with the large loud crowd she slept on Daddy and met many new people. We did head home after dinner once it got to be a bit much for her.
Yesterday we took Sienna to Lolly's house and into the pool for the first time! It was in the 90's so swimming sounded fabulous! The pool was 86 degrees, my kind of pool! So we set up a shaded corner and daddy took her in first. She seemed a bit startled at first but then loved it! She seemed very content, and I think she will be a little fish next summer! She then had quite a nap in her stroller!!
After swimming we had dinner at Alisa and Daniel's. Sami is really getting interested in Sienna, talking to her and pointing to her, wanting to be close to her and see what she is doing. It is so cute! And we know they will definitely live up to there nicknames of PIC's (Partners in Crime).
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