It started with us buying a car last Sunday! Yay!! We have been needing a bigger family car, one that the stroller won't quite fill the whole trunk, and where Sienna's infant seat isn't touching the front seat. The Corolla isn't ideal for road trips with the amount of stuff I pack (overly prepared- you never know you might need it, right?) For the first two roadtrips, with all the gear, we were squished in so tight, it was getting ridiculous, and Russell's 1968 Ranchero isn't exactly baby friendly. So as nice as it has been not having a car payment for the last few months, it was time to car shop!
And just as we do all of the big decisions in our life- we bought the first one we saw! This is at least after weeks of researching and overthinking details, so when we see the right one, we just know it. We are proud owners of a 2005 Chevy Equinox! It is spacious inside, but not a huge SUV... I can still manuever and park it just fine and the gas mileage is great! Its in such perfect condition, low miles, leather, all wheel drive, moonroof, heated seats, and everyone thinks its brand new! So we are so extremely pleased with our purchase!
The next big news of the week was Russell started school on Monday! Mon and Wed he has an English class from 7-8:50 (big bummer to him, and its taught like they are 5th graders...) So its a full Daddy and Sienna day, and full family afternoon and dinner... Tues and Thurs he has Engineering Drawing (CAD) from 2-4:50 then Welding 1 from 5:30-8:30. Sienna goes to Lolly's house for the afternoon until I get off work. I think the schedule will work out great! And Russell loves the welding class, will really learn a lot and looks forward to the class! The CAD class will be very valuable learning also!
Harvest has officially started! It's not too intense yet, but I really enjoyed this weekend because it may easily be my last one until November! We had our first grape trucks come through, a few maturity samples (from vineyards to see if its time to pick) and its getting busier! I have 2 seasonal employees starting tomorrow and 2 the following week, so busy times are ahead of me!! I have been dreading it a bit honestly, but have accepted it, its my job and I enjoy it, so Bring it On!! (I just really will miss my baby girl...)
On to Sienna news! She is 5 months old today!!! And she has her first tooth! Russell felt it barely poking through her bottom gums this afternoon. And she was quite a fussy little thing! I was so excited when I first saw it, was such a proud mommy! I just can't believe she is old enough for teeth! My goodness! She seems to be sleeping well now. The last few days she has been a bit fussier than normal, and is quite a chew monster, and she woke up last night screaming a couple times which is not like her at all... I hope she feels better tomorrow and it comes through easily...
She finally had her 4 month dr appointment on Friday. Dr Macias was impressed with her progress and demeanor. Everyone tells us she is so alert and love interacting with her. Her official weigh-in is 16 pounds, 6 ounces (80%) and 26.5 inches (90%). Our last measurements were higher, so we could be off but I also think her leg was bent when the lady marked it... Either way, she is a tall girl! I can't remember her head size but its 95%! Dr. Macias assured us its all her intelligence! She also had to get her next round of shots :( One oral vaccine, and 2 shots in each leg. She took the oral one MUCH better than last time when she turned purple and screamed and choked... She of course was not a happy camper with the pokes, but it wasn't too bad and she calmed down quickly after looking the nurse right in the eyes and yelling at her! She was sleepy most of the day but all in all was in a ok mood.
Now I am just thinking about my poor baby! Shots and cutting her first tooth in 3 days :( What a tough cookie she is! And tough moments to witness as a mommy!
Ooops.. i haven't uploaded any new pictures of my teething munchkin...
Ok next post... more pictures of our 5 month old and updates on what else she has been up to, and all about the big family reunion!!
it is amazing to me that you pack "too much". is this the same girl who used to go away for weekends in europe with a tiny backpack ;) i guess being a mommy changes everything, huh? love you!
ReplyDeleteDo you run/work on a vineyard? How cool!