Wednesday, February 24, 2010
11 months old!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Our Snow Bunny
Kiwi and Kristy came up from San Diego pretty late Thursday night. I had to work Friday, got off a little early and we headed up to Oakhurst, it took about 3 1/2 hours... At the hotel we met up with Lolly, Pop, Joey, Travis, David, the Rabeners and the Pollingtons. We had 4 family suites right in a row. Sienna was really over the car, tired and hadn't eaten dinner when it was her normal bedtime, so we stayed back while everyone went out to dinner. Then we just hung out in the room with Kiwi and Kristy (and some drinks).
That night was AWFUL as far as Sienna sleeping. I know she was out of her normal routine and comfort zone but she has traveled before and done great, so we were not expecting her to wake up at 1:30 and be up until 4:00! She wasn't fussy, just AWAKE! And David was sleeping in the other bed in our room, so we couldn't just let her cry in her pack 'n play or turn on the lights or TV... (although we should have cause he obviously wasn't sleeping, poor guy). So we gave her a bottle (haven't given her a night bottle in months) and brought her into our bed where she blabbered on and poked our faces and snuggled and wiggled... It wasn't until partway into her second bottle 2 hours later that she finally fell asleep... and what seemed like 5 min later it was time to get ready to head up the mountain... I guess we are extremely lucky that its the first time she has done that at night, not even as a newborn, but she is such a solid sleeper these days, it was completely out of the norm. I figure she was just too excited to get up to the snow!
Badger Pass is about an hour from the hotel, and 40 min or so into Yosemite park. It was clear and sunny all weekend, roads were clear, but there was lots of snow up there, and it was such a pretty drive through the park (minus me feeling carsick). I really want to go back in the spring and check out more of Yosemite.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Welcome to the world, Makayla!
Sienna and I went to visit on Thursday, their second day at home, and I fell in LOVE with this little girl! It felt incredible to hold a little baby, I almost couldn't remember how it felt. While I held Makayla, Sienna cruised around and played all on her own with "older" toys and it was amazing to me to think about how far we have come... Sami was a little bit older than Sienna is now when Sienna was born... All that can happen in just one year's time! (Yes, I just admitted Sienna is almost a year old! WOW!) I am so grateful to have the Martinez family so close to us, and am thrilled for Sienna to have cousins to grow up with! And even more exciting news, Alisa's brother Kyle and his wife Karri will soon be welcoming a baby girl as well (she is due on the 28th!)
I forgot my camera when we went to visit, so I stole a picture... Here is Makayla soon after birth, how precious is she?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Training has begun!
I will be running for my nephew Griffin, running for his friends also in Heaven, running for my mom, running for my family and every family that has been effected by cancer, running to keep Griffin's fight alive. I am so honored to be an aunt of such a remarkable person. Griffin never gave up in his fight against "the bad guys" (his cancer) and always kept a smile on his face! I have learned so much about life and myself through him, and I feel so lucky to be ABLE to face this challenge.
If you want to learn more about Team In Training, please visit my fundraising webpage. Please consider donating $13.10 (a dollar a mile) to help me reach my goal of $5,000! No amount is too small, and every dollar, every mile WILL help us reach a CURE!! Participants of Team In Training (normal people like you and me) have raised $1 BILLION! Money directly funding research, leading to groundbreaking advances, and improving patient care! Talk about an incredible organization to be a part of!
I will also keep you posted on my progress. I am one week in (of 18 weeks). Thank goodness I have coaches, mentors and teammates to help me along (with a very detailed training plan). On Saturdays (long distance days) we meet and run as a team. During the week I am on my own (with help from a new treadmill!) So far, its been just 2 miles at a time. But the miles will add on fast! But so far I have made it, and know with Griffin behind me, I can face anything!!
Did I mention that I HATE running? I have always felt like every second is torture! Even many years ago in my atlethic basketball days, I could sprint back in forth, play for hours, but run any kind of long distance? Forget it! So overcoming this, and possibly enjoying running one day will be a huge achievement for me. I have always thought people that chose to run and actually liked it, were 100% insane, but maybe I can change my mind?

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Flying Solo
I attended the Unified Wine and Grape Symposium, a huge convention/trade show for the industry. Huge as in 11,000 people were supposed to be there. It was definitely a neat experience, I learned a lot and had quite a bit of fun as well! There was several of us from our company there and it was fun to be away from work! And I would hope people working in an industry of booze, would enjoy themselves and know how to have a good time (we all did).
After the 4 or so hour drive in the rain with my two bosses, we settled in. I had to wait for a room because there were no king beds available yet, and you bet I wanted one! I stayed at the Hyatt which was incredible of course, and also where some events were held and across the street from the convention center where everything else was at. The Hyatt is also across from the state capital building, and where our governator lives... I think he was out of town. And the lobby bar was quite the happening place in the afternoons and evenings.
There were some talks and sessions that afternoon, then after some drinks, a few of us headed to a dinner for one of our chemical vendors. It was the best meal I have had in quite some time, at a really nice, well known Italian restaurant. It consisted of prosecco (I really don't ever want champagne again), amazing wines, rigatoni with lamb sausage, a ribeye steak, gelato, and grappa... and some more incredible wine... A couple drinks later, I called it a night. It was such a weird feeling to be away and alone. I am always there for Sienna's bedtime, and not being there for that really sunk in. But I did sleep pretty soundly once i got to sleep, and the bed was super comfy.
The next morning we went to a big talk about the state of the industry which was both interesting and depressing (an economy guy spoke first, and that was real gloomy) but the wine and grape guys seemed a little more promising. People are still drinking wine so that's good. After lunch, I walked around the tradeshow, which was really overwhelming. it was just huge! SO much stuff to look at and take in from every aspect of the wine biz. There was everything from enormous tractors, vineyard supplies, tanks, crushers, bottling lines, glass, cork, label vendors, analytical services, software, marketing, etc. etc. I stopped to chat with some of the vendors I know, drooled over some new fancy lab equip, but mostly just walked through and it still took me 2 1/2 hours!
Then since there was no afternoon talks that interested me, I wandered across to the state capital. I had never been to Sacramento, and figured I should check it out. The park was awesome, there is a tour of 50 state trees which was really pretty, and lots of walking paths. I roamed around the inside of the building and it it beautiful inside the dome! I also walked past Arnold's office, into the Senate Chambers, and historical areas. I don't follow or care about government stuff much, but it was still really neat to see...
That evening we went to a vendor sponsored happy hour event and then a big party thrown by one of our wine brokers. The theme was "Carnival de Rio" and there were Brazilian dancers, music, food, and lots of booze. The party was in this really old bank, such an amazing building with hand crafted ceilings and teller windows for the bar. It was lots of fun! Followed by more fun at the lobby bar! And yes, I still missed my baby (and hubby) and counted the hours until I returned. The next morning we drove back which seemed to take WAY too long.
I was so beyond happy to get home! Sienna was also so happy to see me! She kept giving me kisses and more kisses! So, mama's first trip away was hard but she had a great time! It helped knowing Sienna was with her Daddy, and grandparents. The next step is for both of us to leave, which will be VERY VERY hard, but we are looking to do it somewhat soon...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sienna is now 10 months old, well actually 10 months and 10 days at this point! Just two months until her big birthday (how can this be) I might be in complete denial until the day comes!
She just had her 9 month doctor appointment that week, so her ten month stats are:
Height: 31 inches (>97% off the charts)
Weight: 21 pounds (75%)
Head: Can't remember but its 95%
So she is still super tall and growing like crazy! Dr. Macias was impressed with her growth, since at 9 months babies usually slow in growth with higher activity. And of course she is much more active, but eats about anything in sight. Dr. was also pleased with her development and all that good stuff. Of course we were thankful for our healthy girl! (and very social with her doctor, he really is so amazing with kids, just as any pediatrician should be!) Then it was time for three shots, not good! After the painful, wait-ten-seconds eruption, she calmed down when i picked her up, until she looked right at the nurse and literally yelled at her. She said "Oh, she is MAD at me!"
It is really incredible how much she has grown and learned these last months. Here is what she is up to these days:
*She wears mostly size 12 month clothes, some 18 months (but still pretty big) and size 3 diapers. I am not clearing out clothes that are too small as often, since the sizes should fit longer, so I feel like we are finally getting more use out of her cute clothes!
*She is getting more and more mobile. She is pulling herself up everywhere! including but not limited to: the couch, coffee table, crib, door jams, walls and even ozzy (perfect height dog). She also cruises along the furniture, but really prefers crawling, which she has gotten FAST! She loves when we say "where are you going?" as she heads to the hall, she looks backs at us, laughs and moves full speed ahead. Us chasing her is pretty hilarious, I guess. She also is really quick at transistioning from crawling to sitting to crawling to pulling up to sitting to crawling... and should be really close to standing on her own! I have really started thinking about what the short future will bring as we enter the toddler years!
*FOOD. As I said she eats just about anything in sight. She is getting more table food and really does well feeding herself (until she is over it and drops food for the dogs who sit and wait under her chair). Her newer favorite foods are breads, wheat pancakes, chicken, rice, lentils, beans and broccoli. And the good ol' favorites include yogurt, oatmeal, bananas, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, mum mums, puffs, and avocado. She also has recently learned to use a straw!
*She is our social butterfly! She loves talking, blabbering, laughing, etc. I am pretty sure she says certain words, just still not 100% if they are "real words" like dog ("duh"). But at this point I am saying that's her first word because she has said it a few times (and its different that her da-da-da sound) plus she says it looking at the dogs, so its gotta be intentional, right? But of course, its not on demand... (I will write about the other words when I am certain they are words!)
*She also "sings" and dances! She is working on getting both legs bending and bouncing, at first it was just her left leg in a sporadic jolt, pretty hilarious if you ask me. Also, and this is mama's favorite, she LOVES giving kisses. When we ask her for a kiss, or anytime she feels like it which I am glad is quite often, she leans in and moves her mouth towards yours (usually its wide open, sometimes with her tongue hanging out). When she wakes up, she is all about giving kisses, which completely melts me!! She also waves "hi" (but not bye) and blows kisses, again both on her terms!
*She loves playing with all her new toys! But her favorite new ones are snack containers I got from the dollar section of target or anything from our tupperware drawer. She loves putting things in things, taking them out, and stacking. She is more than content playing by herself in her corner of the living room, or in her pack-in-play (or as we call it her "cage" isn't that lovely?)
*She loves music! (goes back to the dancing part) Her favorite is the Laurie Berkner Band (from Nick Jr), as in cracks up hysterically, uncontrollably laughing! Russell made her a CD for the car. So now we are "those" parents with kid's music blaring in the car and everyone singing along. But I do have to say i LIKE the music (sure having lyrics like "there's a mouse in my toolbox" and "5,4,3,2,1 blastoff- another rocketship run" stuck in your head for five hours gets old) but its much better than Barney! She also loves "Jack's Big Music Show" for the music!
*Teething- on Saturday, out of nowhere I noticed 2 more teeth that had just barely cut through (bottom sides). No signs at all!! I guess she is a professional teether now, bringing her up to EIGHT teeth! That night she was a bit fussy and overtired, but I figured she was just milking the fact that we realized she was teething without symptoms!
*About 3 weeks ago, she decided to ditch her binky! She only needed it when she was going to sleep, but I wasn't expecting her to give it up yet on her own! One day for her nap, she kept spitting it out, the next day she wouldn't let it near her mouth! Guess I am glad we won't have to face breaking the habit of a toddler. She still has her blanky! The first couple days without the pacifier were a little tougher to get her to the sleep mode, but after that smooth sailing. She is now at the point that we can put her down completely awake and she puts herself to sleep (we used to rock her, pat her back and stay with her until she was drifting off). She sleeps from about 7:00-7:30 until 7:00 in the morning, and has 2 naps a day (usually about 1 1/2 each).
That sums up everything i can think of right now! I have a long mental list of blog topics, and hope to keep on top of it! I just adore my girl and am so proud to be her mama!!