Last weekend was Sienna's first trip up to the snow. Russell's family has an annual trip to Yosemite for his Dad's Birthday, which is Valentine's Day- his dad is such a cupid ;) It also works out well to be over President's Day weekend. We haven't made it up there the last few years, in fact the last time we went was NINE years ago when we had been dating just 2 1/2 months, and it was the very first time I met Russell's family. I will have to dig up an old picture and tell the story of that trip! Stay tuned...
Kiwi and Kristy came up from San Diego pretty late Thursday night. I had to work Friday, got off a little early and we headed up to Oakhurst, it took about 3 1/2 hours... At the hotel we met up with Lolly, Pop, Joey, Travis, David, the Rabeners and the Pollingtons. We had 4 family suites right in a row. Sienna was really over the car, tired and hadn't eaten dinner when it was her normal bedtime, so we stayed back while everyone went out to dinner. Then we just hung out in the room with Kiwi and Kristy (and some drinks).
That night was AWFUL as far as Sienna sleeping. I know she was out of her normal routine and comfort zone but she has traveled before and done great, so we were not expecting her to wake up at 1:30 and be up until 4:00! She wasn't fussy, just AWAKE! And David was sleeping in the other bed in our room, so we couldn't just let her cry in her pack 'n play or turn on the lights or TV... (although we should have cause he obviously wasn't sleeping, poor guy). So we gave her a bottle (haven't given her a night bottle in months) and brought her into our bed where she blabbered on and poked our faces and snuggled and wiggled... It wasn't until partway into her second bottle 2 hours later that she finally fell asleep... and what seemed like 5 min later it was time to get ready to head up the mountain... I guess we are extremely lucky that its the first time she has done that at night, not even as a newborn, but she is such a solid sleeper these days, it was completely out of the norm. I figure she was just too excited to get up to the snow!
Badger Pass is about an hour from the hotel, and 40 min or so into Yosemite park. It was clear and sunny all weekend, roads were clear, but there was lots of snow up there, and it was such a pretty drive through the park (minus me feeling carsick). I really want to go back in the spring and check out more of Yosemite.

I was in no way going skiing or snowboarding (on the last trip, the only time I have tried and almost killed myself 12 times) but everyone else but Russell's parents did. We had a fantastic spot to hangout on the upper deck overlooking everything. Sienna was dressed in a full snow suit (could barely move, Christmas Story-style) and I got some pics of the first time she sat in the snow.

After that, it was too warm, no coats needed! She luckily took a decent nap in her stroller, and was in a great mood (if she was half as tired as me, she hid it well). My Aunt Mimi and cousins Kristina, Brittany, and Dani live close by so they came up to ski and see us, so that was fun! And Sienna had tons of fun playing with everyone.

Everyone got in lots of runs, and we called it a day in the late afternoon. After letting Sienna play in the snow, she crawled around- even after losing a boot, got partially buried by her Daddy, and tried to take off the mittens getting in her way...

That night, we all went out to pizza and hung out at the hotel pool and hot tub. Sienna did wake up a couple times that night, but went back to sleep easy and was way better than the previous night. But again, poor David. She was going off of way less night sleep and less naps and being out of her normal routine, but all in all she did well.
Sunday was Sienna's first Valentine's Day! I mean it was Mike Molina's Birthday. Russell and his brothers growing up always told their girlfriends, that it wasn't Valentine's Day, it was their Dad's birthday, lol. Russell and I have never gotten into V-day either, I just think its too commercialized, and not that big of a deal, you should feel love everyday. So a few years ago, I think when we were engaged and on a super budget, we started our tradition of spending $5-$10 on the cheesiest gifts we could find (and we all know there are plenty of those). And I win every year! So in the past its been chocolate fish saying "you're a keeper", stuffed monkeys, chocolate frogs, lip shaped chip clips, "I Love You" mugs, and golf balls with cheesy pick up lines... This year Russell made me a rose in welding class, not cheesy but really cute! And this year I was forced to shop at Von's the night before so I found a Frog Prince for Sienna, and for Russell there was NOTHING. So I got him a heart box filled with hershey kisses and hugs, and a box of Wheat Thins with Easy Cheese. Now that is CHEESY! (Wow, huh?) But it worked cause he loves that gross stuff and it was a nice snack in between snowboarding... And this year Valentine's Day did have more meaning, just because of Sienna and how much we love her, and how we want to make sure to keep our relationship full of love! It's easy to focus on the baby, and forget to tell each other the simple "I love yous" and make sure to have time for us...

So after a lot more skiing/boarding for everyone and a lot more sun, we called it a day a bit earlier than everyone to get Sienna a good solid nap. I then took her to the playground at the hotel where she played with wood chips and leaves (and only tried to eat them twice), slid down and tried to climp up the slide.

That night the whole group of 16 went to a close-by BBQ restaurant (yum!) The next morning after breakfast, we stopped at my Aunt Mimi's house to visit, then made the trek home.
It was such a fun weekend, filled with fun people and some more firsts for Sienna. Her first time staying in a hotel which she had SO much fun exploring (but didn't sleep very well). Also her first time in the snow and her first Valentine's Day. Oh, did I mention it was her first time in a beer box? haha!

And we will definitely be doing this trip every year!! Next time maybe i will try snowboarding again, and you know Sienna will be riding down the slopes soon!
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