Last Saturday was Sienna's big party! And it was a beautiful day! It was a rough day for her, which was so hard for me to see, I just wanted her to be her normal happy self and enjoy every second of her day. She woke up with a runny nose, her molars were still bugging her and she was just not happy. She was overtired, snotty, drooly and cranky. So throughout the party she was very clingy, didn't want me to put her down, and not her normal social self.
My very talented Aunt Mimi made her the most perfect party dress!

We had quite the turnout at the party! Sienna's Aunt Sara and Uncle Mark came up Friday to help shop and keep me sane in the last minute party preparations. Unfortunately, Aunt Simone and Uncle Marcel couldn't make it up, as they all were fighting the flu. My grandparents and Uncle Brian came up from LA, my Aunt Mimi and cousins came from Coarsegold and my good friend Carrie came up from San Diego. And we had a ton of Russell's family and local friends there as well. We are so lucky to have so many great people in our lives that care so much for our Sienna! And we had the perfect location- Lolly and Pop's front yard at the ranch!

The party was at 2 in the afternoon and like I mentioned it was a gorgeous day, about 75 degrees and sunny! We had finger foods to munch on- BBQ'd sausages, jalapeno poppers, chips, Lolly's salsa, taquitos, dips, veggies, fruit, etc. The kids had fun playing with Sienna's barn activity center, two rocking horses, and some crafts. The cow pinata was a huge hit, Russell had agreed to a pinata only if his Uncle Chris could control it, which was very funny to watch...

Sienna had a TON of gifts to open, and really did great! She was very interested in every gift, checking everything out and was in a better mood at this point. She got SO many cute clothes, her spring/summer wardrobe is complete, with shorts, dresses, tops, bathing suits, pj's, etc. She also got several books, stuffed animals, stacking toys, sand toys, bath toys, walker popper (whatever you call those), farm magnet toys, and a water table, and a very special Winnie the Pooh drawing from one of the original cartoonists! Oh, and some money and gift cards!
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