Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where am I?

I am way behind on blogging yet again! I have so many posts I would love to write covering the last month- our anniversary getaway, mother's day, etc. But it will have to wait.

This weekend is the second of four straight weekends that we are out of town. I am tired just thinking about it. Last weekend we had a quick weekend trip to Orange County to see some of my family and for Russell's cousin Jake's wedding, which was fabulous! (another post I hope to write in the next year or so...) Tomorrow morning we are flying up to Coeur D'alene, Idaho via Spokane for our good friend's wedding... which will be our second trip sans the munchkin. Should be lots of fun. And even though we get back Sunday evening, I am taking Monday off to recover and spend every moment with my Sienna. Next weekend for Memorial Day we are camping at the lake with some family and friends- Sienna's second camping trip. And the following weekend is my half marathon in San Diego! Whew... I am so busy I keep forgetting about that one! Finding time to run has gotten difficult!

This has been a miserable week for Sienna! Our weekend trip was great, but she had a runny nose starting Saturday. It never got too bad. On Tuesday she had a mild fever most of the day (no other symptoms) and by that night it had reached 102-103 (I have 2 damn thermometers that are NEVER consistent, drives me bonkers). The oncall doctor gave me updated doses of ibuprofen and acetaminophen to alternate to help reduce the fever. I mentioned her double ear infections just 2 1/2 weeks ago, so she told me we should bring her in within the next couple days. So when I called the dr yesterday they of course were completely booked, with only one dr in the office for 2 days, nothing open until Friday (and we leave early in the morning).

So I took her to Urgent Care yesterday, they checked her out, and she has double ear infections again! Thank goodness we caught it early this time (could just be lingering from the last ones). Now, she is on a new antiobiotic for a longer duration... Oh and the wait at Target Pharmacy was 2 1/2 freaking hours! Anyway, she had a pretty rough night but seems to be feeling better today, and should be back to her old self soon. I just am so relieved that I took her yesterday so it didn't get worse over the weekend when we are 1100 miles away. (Ok saying that still made me nervous about being away). She will be in the best hands with Russell's parents, we are so lucky for that!

Maybe I will get a bit more caught up with blogs next week, and share some of the 15,000 pictures over the last month...

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