Wednesday, April 29, 2009

3 years ago...

We started our family three years ago! Our anniversary has so much meaning today. I am so incredibly happy to be married to my amazing husband and perfect match and to have such a beautiful daughter. I am just filled with and surrounded by love! Russell and I have learned so much about ourselves and each other throughout our young marriage and parenthood. We are not perfect, have had some moments of wanting to kill each other, but can't stay mad for long, can't go to sleep unhappy. He deals with my moods and craziness (hello pregnancy) and just understands me. Being parents has deepened our relationship even more. We are in it together and have a perfect product of us!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

One month old!

Sienna is now one month and 3 days old! And I can't believe it! She really has grown a lot. She is now smiling! (I usually miss it on camera of course). She also is much more alert and loves watching the mobile on her swing. It is such an incredible feeling when she looks at us now, studying our faces. She also is quite the noisemaker, squeeking, cooing and sighing.

At her doctor appointment she weighed 10 lbs 12 ounces, was 22 inches long and her head circumference was 39 3/4. This puts her in the 90 percentile for height and weight, and 95 percentile for her head. She gained 18 ounces in 18 days! The average weight gain is 2/3 ounce per day but can range from 1/2-1 1/2 ounce. So she is growing nicely! We have a big girl! Her Newborn size clothes didn't last long, good thing I didn't have many.

So the "Oh my god I am I mom" feeling has faded. Now it just feels normal and like how it is supposed to me. Sometimes its still a bit overwhelming, but mostly parenthood feels natural. It has been so great having Russell home with us. I guess everything happens for a reason. For those that didn't know, he was laid off one week before my last week of work. Of course I hope he finds a job soon, but him having this time to bond with Sienna has been priceless. She is defnitely a daddy's girl, and she is only a newborn once! And its been much easier! I can't imagine if he had to go right back to work!!

We had a great last week! My very good friend Marcey (Auntie) came up from LA last weekend. We relaxed, watched the UFC fight, and she had plenty of Sienna time. It was very hot early in the week, felt like August in the high 90's! Monday we all went to Russell's softball game and BBQ, great weather for that! My dad came in on Thursday and is here staying with us until Mon or Tues. Its been great having him here to meet Sienna and to spend so much time with him. We have watched lots of movies and mainly relaxed at home. Yesterday we took him on a tour of the coast- had lunch in Cambria and drove down through Morro Bay. The beach was way too windy and cold to take Sienna out, so she will have her first beach experience another time. This next weekend my sister Monique is coming out from Texas and my twin sister Sara is driving her up from LA. I can hardly wait!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby Story Part 2

Ok, here we go for the rest of it!!

So we were told to go home, that it wasn't real labor. We were a bit disappointed, we hoped it would be the day. As soon as I stood up out of the hospital bed I felt a gush, my water had broken! (5:00 pm) We called the nurse in and she told us that we weren't going anywhere! This was a crazy feeling, knowing that it was really going to be happening now! No matter what she would be here with us within 24 hours (give or take). So we made all the phone calls, and got ready for the night. Sara and Mark were on their way up from LA. Our nurse let us know that she wouldn't expect anything drastic to happen that night. They would let nature take its course and see how I progress. I was checked at 2 cm.

We started walking the halls! We did several laps before taking a break, the contractions were coming stronger every 3 minutes or so, but they were bearable. Russell and I "slow danced" through them in the halls. He was such an amazing coach through all of this, I really don't know how I would have made it without him. In the next set of laps, the contractions were much more painful, doubling up on eachother with very limited time in between. Walking was a bit too much... more time passed and they kept on intensifying, I could hardly stand. At some point I was checked again, but our nurse couldn't tell how far I was, said I was the same or all the way (I know, this is a WHOLE other story, she was awful!). I knew I wanted an eppidural, it seemed early but pain relief sounded fabulous and I figured I HAD to be further along with the way these contractions were coming. Oh I forgot to mention my doctor was out of town for the next 2 days! Of course, right? So the on call doctor said it didn't matter how far along I was, to give me an eppidural. So the anesthesiologist comes about 30 min later. It took 4 tries to get it in! (Yes I was a human pin cushion at this point, forgot to mention the nurse took 3 tries for my IV). But pain relief came! It was wonderful.

We got some sleep, as much as you can. The next morning we had a new nurse!! She checked me and I was still at 2 cm! Are you serious? The eppidural had slowed down everything! I knew this was a risk of getting it so early, but couldn't believe it! So our new on call doctor ordered pitocin. It was really disappointing to know that even though I was pain free, it had been several hours with no progress. So I was relieved to have pitocin get things moving along... I have heard how awful this makes labor and contractions, but I wouldn't be able to feel anything, right?

The next few hours were fine. I don't remember how far I was dilated at this point, had made a bit of progress... I really have no concept of time after this... I started getting really hot and uncomfortable. Then at some point I started feeling the pressure. It got stronger and stronger. The nurse assured me this was good news, that the baby's head was coming down. Then the pain started! I was feeling the contractions more and more. Once the pain was completely unbearable, the nurse checked and it seemed my eppidural had come out! (another risk of having one for so long). So they ordered another eppidural, I could hardly wait for it to get there, the pain was so intense. Russell helped me breathe through it, I probably almost broke some fingers by the end (he had to keep rotating the fingers he would give me). The next anesthesiologist came in, tried to put in the eppidural a couple times, and just couldn't get it. He finally said he didn't feel comfortable trying any more, that he couldn't have that risk. (yeah not sure if its bad luck or what is wrong with my back, because both drs have been doing this for 20 plus years). I know people gave birth for ages without any drugs, but that thought to be was so incredibly overwhelming, I panicked and cried, didn't know how I could deal with this pain for hours longer. Russell assured me we would just do it.

The rest is a blur. I was put on staydol (not sure spelling) to "take the edge off." I became so completely loopy, felt wasted drunk. I would pass out in between contractions then be jolted awake in severe pain. Russell was right there with me. The contractions were right on top of eachother. At some point I was measured at 6 or 7 and that was as far as I made it. The nurse could feel the babies head, said there was a knot on it, she was trying hard to come down. The doctor wanted to keep giving me more time to progress (she thought the baby was only 7 lbs, haha). Some how I endured a few hours of this. (Issues with the doctor and how she made us feel is another story!) Then finally, the doctor told us that a c-section would be the best route as I was not progressing. This was a relief! They wheeled me into the OR, gave me a spinal (now absolutely NO pain) and Russell came in to be right there. About 5 minutes later, Sienna was out and crying!! It was so amazing to finally hear that! (8:24 pm) And she was so incredibly beautiful and perfect in everyway! The feeling of love and pure happiness is indescribable.

It was so nice to have my twin and Russell's parents (Lolly and Pop) there for her birth. We were in the hospital for 2 more days. We had lots of visitors and learned the basics of taking care of our new one, and breastfeeding. My recovery was a bit rough at first, but really not as bad as I thought. And a week later I was good to go. Russell took care of all diapers and burping, etc. I always knew he would be a great father, but I couldn't even imagine how amazing he is. Sienna is a lucky girl to have him as a daddy! On our drive home, I just felt like this was meant to be, what our life was for, that we had been waiting for this, I was so happy to have our family. And I couldn't get over how perfect she is!! (still can't!)

Her birth stats:
Born March 23, 2009 8:24 pm
8 lbs 13 oz, 21.5 inches long

Friday, April 17, 2009

Our baby story (part one)

I want to write a bit about the last bit of my pregnancy, labor and Sienna's birth. I will leave out a lot of details, but do want a written record while its still fresh in my mind. This will be in parts as I don't have much time to write in any one sitting...

Overall the pregnancy was great, just some very common issues. Nausea and morning (or day) sickness and just pure exhaustion in the 1st trimester. It didn't help that it was harvest in the wine industry! This is what our pregnancy was planned around- couldn't really have a baby any time around fall/early winter! Good thing a spring baby worked out :) So harvest was late Aug through late October, I worked 7 days a week for 2 1/2 months! The peak of harvest was once I got to the heavenly 2nd trimester, so it really wasn't all that bad! I got through my first harvest, and it was the lightest one in 8 years... 3rd trimester came with the normal problems: the tiredness returned, and mostly just being uncomfortable and hard time sleeping... I stopped working at 37 weeks which was great! Had time to finish organizing and fulfilling "nesting mode." Then I just wanted her to be born! Everyday it was "please be baby day!! "

For 2 weeks I was going to the doctor twice a week because my blood pressure had been creeping up... I was monitored in the hospital at 37 weeks and checked out healthy (no other concerns). We already knew she was a big baby, the ultrasound at 36 weeks showed she was 7 lbs 12 oz (they can be a pound or so off). So we were aware of the increased chance of a c-section depending on how labor progressed. And I was ordered to be a "couch potato" so couldn't walk which I so wanted to do! I was getting so bored and ancy!

Our labor story starts Sunday March 22, right at 39 weeks. I woke up at 3 am with contractions. I had been having contractions for weeks, but these seemed different. They were pretty regular for a couple hours, then slowed down and I was able to sleep. They continued to be inconsistent for hours, and then started getting stronger. I was impatient and just wanted to get checked, especially with my blood pressure issues. So we went to the hospital at 3 pm, I was able to walk in which was a sign to them I was probably not in labor. I got checked, and was only a fingertip dilated and the contractions were irregular. The nurse said it was probably just irritability and we could go home. I asked how we would know when it was real labor, she said when she was pregnant her doctor told her "If you are crossing the street and you are standing in the middle of the intersection with a car driving towards you, if you are able to move and run out of the way, you are not in labor!" Oh now that doesn't sound scary! And now I understand what that means!

Time for Sienna's lunch... to be continued later.

Picture is the last of my prego pics! Taken 3 days before Sienna was born.

Monday, April 13, 2009

3 weeks old! New to Blogging!

So here it goes! I have been wanting to start a family blog to share our day to day adventures! I will update as much as a new mommy can!

Our Sienna Rose is three weeks old today! Its really incredible all that can happen and change in your life in such a short amount of time. And the amount of love and happiness that can be added to your life! We are so thrilled and grateful to be parents. And somehow things have been easier than we expected. Sienna is happy and healthy! She is sleeping in her crib (3-4 hrs at a time). And we are both getting plenty of sleep...

At her 1st doctor's appointment on Friday April 3, (11 days old) she weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. She was 8 lbs 13 oz at birth, and left the hospital at 8 lbs 8 oz, so she is eating great! Our Dr. was pretty amazed at how much she had gained, saying babies usually take up to 10 days to get back to their birth weight. Breastfeeding has come easy to me (I am very thankful) and today Daddy gave her her first bottle! Also, we love our pediatrician. Her 1 month appointmenr is next week...

I will write more about our first 3 weeks when I get a chance... In a nutshell, it has been just amazing! And we have enjoyed lots of visits from family and friends. She has had her first bath, worn her first dress, worn her first shoes, had her first easter!, had her first shopping trip, went to her first softball game, first few family outings, and has spent lots of time in our arms! Most times we just can't take our eyes off of her.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker