Those are the three main events of last week.

We celebrated Russell's 28th Birthday on Wed. We had a nice family day at home, Russell played some new video games, and I made omlettes for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Then we met his parents for a drink at Senior Sancho's, had dinner there, then some drinks at home. It was exactly what he had wanted!

Sienna loves standing up! She flattens out her feet and is content for quite some time. She also loves bouncing, and I can't wait for her to be big enough for her jumperoo! This week she has also had some great sleep advancements! She is asleep by 7:30-8 and for the last month she would always wake up at 1 am on the dot! Then around 4 and 6. One night she didn't wake up until 3:00 and another at 5 am, and last night it was 4 am. So I am hoping it keeps up! If I went to bed when she did, I would get a full night sleep. Thank you Sienna!

The big event of the week was the Wine Festival! I LIVE for this! This was our 5th year going, and it is always so much fun. One of my very best friends Carrie came up from San Diego (her 3rd year going). We are now wine fest pros! I know most of the wineries, which ones to go to and which to skip, and I make a huge picnic of cheese, meats, bread, etc. This year we were first in line to make sure we got the best shady picnic spot.

Its always extremely hot, I think our car said 102 when we were going home. I was so worried about myself being so out of practice with drinking! But I did well, had to take it slow (4 hrs of unlimited wine in heat gets to you!) This year there was 89 wineries including Tolosa! (the winery my company has in San Luis Obispo). Two of the winemakers I work with were pouring, it was great to see them.
Sienna had a lovely day at Lolly's house! Thanks again to them for babysitting! We had a big BBQ at the pool after the wine fest, just such a fun day!
Other big news of the week: Russell's brother Joey proposed to his girlfriend Michelle! We are so happy for them!! She is such a sweetheart and I already love having her as a sister!
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