I had such a wonderful day! We had a nice lazy morning and Russell got me Starbucks! I still am not drinking caffeine (sure miss it) and never understood people that would drink decaf, but lattes just taste so yummy! Then we headed down to Morro Bay.
This was Sienna's first trip to the beach! We had driven around the coast when my dad was here, but it was too cold to take her out. It was a beautiful day with a bit of a cool breeze. We put her in the Moby Wrap and walked down to the sand. We took her out to let her experience the beach! Russell stood in front to get some shade and we sat her down to feel the sand on her feet. At first she wasn't too happy but then she seemed better. I just love the beach, its my favorite thing ever and I am sure Sienna has lots of beach time in her future!
Then we went out to lunch at the Otter Rock Cafe. This had special meaning because on our first anniversary we spent the weekend in Morro Bay (were living in Camarillo at the time) and we came to Otter Rock both nights after dinner for drinks and live music. We talked about how much has changed since we were there last and I was so happy to be a mommy spending mother's day with my two loves! The bar was having "mother" themed drinks, so the Bahama Mama was perfect!
We ended the day with Russell and his brothers making a big yummy dinner at the parents house! I am so grateful for all of his family and that we are able to live so close to them. I grew up close to my grandparents and I am so glad Sienna will too!
I thought a lot about all the moms I know, and especially my mom. It's been a pretty tough holiday since she died 3 years ago, but this year being a mom made it even harder. I am just sad that she isn't here to see me as a mom and to be a grandma to Sienna. I now understand the love a mother feels and I will love the day (way down the road) that I will see Sienna experience this with her own child. Motherhood is so special and precious, nothing can compare.

Thank you Mom, I love you and miss you so much!
Roxy I know your mom is so proud of you! You're doing a great job and i'm glad you had a fun mothers day!