Today we had our two month check up. Sienna weighed in at 12 pounds 10 ounces (gained 30 ounces in 30 days so keeping up her ounce/day gain) and she measured in at 25 inches long (+3 inches in a month). Her weight is in the 95 percentile, height is off the chart! WOW! She must get it from her daddy. I have noticed her getting longer, especially in her torso. Onesies are getting harder to button, and her pants fit her length but not waist!

We also had her first round of shots today. It was hard for me because she was in such a good mood after seeing the dr (he is great), just laying on the table cooing at me and smiling, I knew that would change in a hurry! The vaccines were one oral and 4 shots (2 in each thigh). The oral one was first, and she HATED it. It took a while to get it all down, with some tears. The shots were luckily fast, but she screamed like I have never heard her before, her face turned almost purple! I felt awful for her! She calmed down pretty fast and has been sleeping most of the afternoon. My poor baby girl!

She is continually sleeping 8-9 hrs a night! Go Sienna go! When she does wake up (around 4 or so) she eats for a few min then goes back to sleep for 3 more hours! We are appreciating this!! She is so happy in the morning too, gives us HUGE smiles. It's like she is thinking "Hey, I know you!" She is starting to giggle more which is so adorable!
She will be 2 months old tomorrow which is really amazing to me!!
On Wednesday Russell's cousin Alisa and her daughter Samantha (14 months older than Sienna) came over and we had a nice walk to the park!
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