Here she is on Lolly's produce scale for the weigh-in, she was thrilled!
She also has grown vocally. Some sounds that come out of her are pretty darn cute and hilarious! Our favorites are the underwater gurgle, rolling rrrrrr, high pitch screech of excitement, and the deep belly laugh! She is quite the talker and loves being engaged in a "conversation" with anyone!
This last week especially she has really started to show affection which completely melts my heart. She is my little cuddle bug! And she reaches out to us now, when Daddy is holding her she will reach her arms and body out to me. When we hold her, she will look at us intently and reach our face and grab, you can tell she is trying to be gentle and lovey (keyword trying). Usually its your nose, cheek or lips she gets a hold of.
And she continues to become stronger physically and better at moving around. We can't leave her for long, she will roll over and over until she is in the middle of the room (or wedged up against the couch). She also can sit up for a few seconds if she leans on her arms out in front as support. And she "explores" her crib nightly! Bedtime has been much easier, I think me going back to work threw her off a bit, but we are back in the routine and she usually puts herself to sleep pretty easily.
Other news- She has continued eating rice cereal once a day in the evening and seems to like it most days. She LOVES the pool, kicks her legs, and tries to go face first into the water (and it barely phases her). She is also more of a fan of her jumperoo these days, her feet reach the floor much better and she kinda has the bouncing thing down. She is just all around a joy, I can't get enough of her!!!
Last Friday we went to the Mid State Fair. We had a fun time! The weather was perfect (its usually WAY to hot) and it was the right time to go- early evening, before it gets too crowded for the concerts. We walked around, ate corndogs, watched the 4H dog show and got our pictures taken in a photo booth. Most animals weren't there yet. Sienna enjoyed strolling around, napping, and watching the dogs.

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