Thank goodness for the weekend!
I held Sienna as much as I could! My friend Cathy visited from San Francisco this weekend. She was my very first friend in college (10 yrs ago, scary!) It was so cute to see them interact. Cathy talked to her, sung silly songs and entertained her lots.
We had a very nice day Saturday- went to the lavender festival in downtown Paso then drove down to Avila Beach. We walked down the pier and had lunch. It was a gorgeous day, and a much nicer cooler temp down at the coast! And we saw seals! That night was the big UFC night so we had a few people over including Lolly, Pop, Uncle Joey, Travis and Daniel. Cathy and I had some wine and went through old photos, reliving the fun, little responsibility filled days in San Diego. Sunday morning we took Cathy to the ranch to show her around- the garden, wedding spot, view from the hill, etc. It was a great weekend!
I also now remember the feeling of a Sunday- when I try to get laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc done for the upcoming week, while also trying to get in some relax time (and not dread too much that it is almost already Monday). Now I want to do all of that and not miss a second with my Sienna! So she is officially my new shopping buddy (before it was easier to leave her home with daddy). But now she can face out in the baby bjorn carrier and she seemed to love walking around my favorite store Target, then the grocery store.
Sienna is all about her Ozzy! She loves to grab him, stare at and watch him. He loves her too!
She wants to crawl! This weekend she started inching along with an army-crawl. Her arms just aren't as strong or coordinated as her legs, she gets those going!
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