Now feeling back in the swing of things with work, I remember how fabulous fridays feel! Getting up wasn't as hard (well I did still snooze a couple times) and saying goodbye to Sienna wasn't as hard knowing I get the next 2 days with her! The time I am NOT at work is that much more meaningful now! Its been hard adjusting and trying to fit everything in a few very short hours at night, but I am doing ok. Russell has a good day routine with her: feedings, naps, lots of playtime. And she was a daddy's girl from the beginning!! Pumping is fine at work, not the highlight of my day, but I am more than willing to keep it up as long as I can. Having my ipod and magazines helps, I do need to get out of that lab at some point! So yes, I survived my 2nd week and it was much easier than the first.
Speaking of work, I am gearing up for harvest! Not really looking forward to working 7 days a week for a couple months straight (how hard will that be with the little one!), but that's my job! So I have ads for seasonal help out this weekend, and with the job market being so crappy I don't think I will have a hard time hiring some decent people.
Sienna is a mover! She rolls all over her crib now, prefers being on her stomach to look around. When she is on a blanket on the ground, she moves all over and is fast! Russell will glance down and she will be completely in a different spot. Its pretty crazy! I will try to get video soon. She also now reaches out and grabs toys, much more coordinated. And loves blowing raspberries, so cute and a bit messy! Stay tuned... I think we are going to try her first solid food soon- rice cereal. I think she is ready... its been harder to keep up with her appetite.
On another note, its been HOT this week, like super insanely hot. My car said 110 when I left work yesterday, luckily it was "only" 96 at our house. But today it said 112 when I left and was 108 at home. Geez!! Thank goodness for AC! The funny thing is at work its so cold I wear jeans and a sweatshirt all day.
So tomorrow we are going on Sienna's first camping trip! Its a yearly family thing, figured we can try one night. It will be out at the lake, and its always crazy hot out there, so I know it will be scorching! I think Sienna will be in Lolly's air-conditioned 5th wheel for a good chunk of the day. I guess Pop bought a big family sized blow up pool (the lake is yucky this year). It should be interesting sleeping in a tent with a baby, but I think it will be fun and family is always a good time!
Some pictures from the week:
Wed when I got home from work, Daddy and Sienna were making dinner!
On our walk with the dogs.
Sienna and I spent a nice evening sitting on the back patio.
Sienna loves her monkey rug!
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