Saturday morning Russell and Mark were planning to go fishing, but the boat wasn't ready so instead they had brother bonding over video games! We all cheered Aunt Mo on as she finished her second half marathon in Seattle. It was so exciting to have live coverage of the finish line online. She was about 30 min faster than her first marathon and she raised tons of money for cancer research in memory of Griffin! What a huge accomplishment, I am so proud of her and inspired by her. She is already training for the next one!
Us girls went shopping at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, then had Starbucks. Aunt Sara bought Sienna this crazy "loopapalooza" toy, a bunch of loops of different textures and materials with some stuffed bugs thrown in. She loves it, any way that she grabs it, she has something to chew on. I bought her a stuffed giraffe blanket lovey which Sara named Jazz. Since she has started grabbing and grasping, she really likes fabrics and blankets, figured this was perfect. It was later than we had expected so we didn't make it to the beach, next time! We relaxed at Sara's for a bit and took some pics with her nice camera, have to get them from her!
Then we went to Main St Huntington to Sushi on Fire for dinner. Oh how I LOVE sushi! And this was some YUMMY sushi! We also had some sake (how can you not?) WE ordered one large one and throughout the rest of our meal they brought us 3 more on the house! Sienna sat in her carseat and did pretty good, it wasa really loud restaurant and I am sure she was tired (we tried to make it really early) so she had a few "moments". After dinner Sara and I read her "Move Over Rover" and gave her a bottle, which she wanted to hold herself! It was a fun night!
Sunday morning we left Huntington and headed up to Redondo Beach to meet Auntie Marcey for breakfast. It was a short visit, but so nice to see her! She couldn't believe how much Sienna had grown and changed in just a month! Since the small restaurant didn't have a bathroom, I changed a very messy diaper in her stroller in the parking lot! Times like those are the real mom moments!
Then we headed up to my grandparents house (Mumsie and Grandad). We sat in AWFUL traffic for an hour, remembering how much we hate LA! We had a wonderful visit and lunch with Mumsie, Great Grandad, Uncle Brian and Aunt Leslie. They all couldn't believe how big she was! Sienna kept us all entertained talking and rolling around on a blanket. Oh she now can roll over in both directions!! It was so nice to see and have Sienna meet more family, Sienna is a lucky girl!
The rest of the drive home (about 3 1/2 hrs) was fine. We just wanted to be home! Sienna slept a lot, and played a bit. She was sure happy when we got home and she was in her crib! And the next morning, she was thrilled to see her play gym and other familiar toys. What a great trip! Full of memories and family! (and quite a few kodak moments).
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